Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Following this 5Five and DJ Cyndo catastrophe, I've been thinking about how easily we call ourselves artistes when really and truly, there's not a teeny weeny drop of art in us.

As an artist, I expect that you have something to say. Something that will change people's lives and ways of being. Positively. You are not an artist simply because you can string meaningless words together and make them rhyme to some beat. You are an artist because you see the world differently and hope that your perceptions of the world will make life more enjoyable for others. Be it through poetry, music, dance, painting or sculpture. You are an artist because you can shape the way people see things with your artistic ability. As an artist you maintain your originality, as any perversion to your ideals signals your doom.

Contrary to popular belief, you are not there for the chicks or the bling. You are there because your heart sings the passion and the pain of the present and the vision of tomorrow. Don't be fooled when all the girls and guys hype you up because you're the in thing. It's all ephemeral and in no time, you'll find yourself in the middle of nowhere asking yourself questions that you should have asked yourself way before you started your journey into your so-called stardom. Whether you believe me or not, your "reign" will last as long as the rain in harmattan.


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